Welcome Message

Welcome to the Annual Conference of the Alexandria University Ophthalmology Department. Our goal is to create an environment of collaboration, education and dialogue that will help us all push the boundaries of healthcare knowledge and practices. Throughout the conference, you will have the opportunity to network with top experts in the field, discover innovative approaches to treatment, and learn about the latest advances in the medical industry. Join us as we help shape a brighter future for Ophthalmology in Egypt.

Board Members

President of Department

Mohamed Shafik

Organizing committee

Amr Elkamshoushy

Shahira Rashad

Powerpoint Template

RM Events

Organizing Office in Charge

CEO : Dr. Maged Kassem

Mobile: +201223925628
Email: drmagedkassem@rmsolutions.net

Project Manager : Mr. Shady Allam

Mobile: +201275580777
Email: shadyallam@rmsolutions.net

Business Developer : Mrs. Shireen Ahmed

Mobile: +201210526707
Email: shireen.medhat@rmsolutions.net